Safe Streets delivers out-of-the-box as well as custom training to neighborhoods, workplaces, community groups, and more. Find out how we can help today!

Community Organizing 101

Ready to organize your neighborhood, school, or community? Then you need our community organizing 101 workshop. In this training you will learn:

  • how to organize a community for change
  • effective outreach methods
  • where to find FREE local tools and resources

Awareness & Safety Training

This popular workshop trains attendees in situational awareness techniques that will help you at home, work, and around the community. In addition to personal safety, participants also gain knowledge about how to make the spaces they live, work, and recreate in safer as well.

Past Recordings

Check out a couple of our short videos for quick tips!

Join Safe Streets staff as they share ten easy to implement personal safety tips for you and your family.

This short and helpful video will assist you in knowing when to call 911, and when to call another service.